Friday, June 17, 2011

If hungry, Eat.

God gives us a spiritual hunger for him that we feed through time spent in prayer, worship and reading the word. Its a void that some may attempt to fill with things of the world, and relationships. Many blame their own churches saying "I'm just not getting fed there" So your saying The church isn't worshiping for you, they are not reading the bible and spending time in prayer for YOU? If your hungry... EAT.
When I was in high School, I was apart of a youth group made up of tons of great friends. Unfortunately I would goof off while the speaker was speaking and during worship. Then I started to feel a lack-of God in my life, and silently began to blame the leaders for my hunger. I now realize that church is for fellowship, but also a safe place for Worship, and prayer without judgement. I know now that to feed your hunger its up to me to take responsibility to do what it takes to strengthen my relationship in Christ. Pray always, worship often, read the Word of God and Live your life with a pure mind and heart, and a God-like Love. 
Thank God for the leaders in your church! Don't blame them for your shortfalls.