Thursday, May 20, 2010

Something I wrote a long time ago.

At the time of writing this I knew what I was talking about, but now I have no idea of what was going through my head at the time... I think it sounds pretty, but its certainly a riddle even to me now.

I am dust in the wind, moving from place to place in your mind. I have no home, no love, no understanding, and no desire. I am that little speck in the beauty of life you underestimate. To you I am but a thought. I don't exist, my thoughts my feelings, my words are of no matter. I am a slave to the life you lead, and a dream of another. Do I excite you? Are you happy with me? Do I make your short life seem worth living? Who am I to you? Nothing. So why do you keep running for me? Taking me in your heart and crushing me down... down.... I know where I belong, but sometimes I can't see it. How do I to that place I should be? What road do I travel, and which direction shall I face? Where my heart is, will my mind follow? Maybe your a stepping stone to that place. Kiss me. I Love you, you say, And I do. I always do.

My Mission statement from April 2008

A lot has happened since that time, but I wouldn't change a thing a thing about what I wrote that spring.

My Mission statement

Laura Beth Thompson

My mission statement is to lead a godly life, And to center my life in his name.
I want to be honest and faithful, trustworthy and loyal. I want to have no record of my wrongs, for God has forgiven me of them. I want to forgive but not forget, Live and let live, Give all I can and do it with a loving heart. I want my word to be my law, and my Law to be God. I will continue to keep my whole self pure, My body belongs to only God until my day of matrimony, My soul will always belong to my creator. My Heart belongs to God, and I give a small piece to each person who enters it. The lord says to Love your neighbor, and pray for those who persecute you, I want to be an example of that verse, and Share my love like a good neighbor gives cookies to the new family on the block.
I want to be known for being a woman who follows God, and God only, who is not easily swayed from her morals and decisions, who stands strong even when the odds are against her, who will take a chance and take the leap of faith. I won't be easily discouraged, and I will stand strong in what I believe. I want to the girl who will Remember and keep memories as though She feared forgetting. Who made family her first priority.
I want to toss the very thought of fear aside and Live happily without worry or doubt.
For the lord is my Shepard; I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Psalms 23.

I want to be all I can in Christ, for in him I can do all things.

The Bigger Picture

A friend of mine recently died of Cancer at the ripe age of 18 and it made me sad that she didn't get to "Live". She would never get the chance to marry, raise a family, or goto College. But before she died she was so happy. The peace that resided in her was evident on her face and whole being. She was okay with Death because she knew where she was going. She was so certain that with her last breath she would stand face to face with her Savior, and with the peace she bore even her non believing friends believed it to be true. But she DID Live, she lived better than I have yet and her life on earth is over. She Loved, and had Faith bigger than I have known.
I hear about those people who have had difficult, and hard lives where it was hardship after hardship. And I think how sad is that! I can't imagine laying on my bed at the end and looking back and only seeing sadness and hurt, and wishing I could do so many things over, with so many regrets. But with my small sense of the word Life, Even when you have faith it's hard to comprehend Eternity. It's difficult for us to fully understand the meaning of John 3:16.
"God so Loved the world that he gave is only son, that whomever believes in him will have EVERLASTING LIFE."
How amazing is that! This isn't it!
We live here, breath by breath, and when it's all over and we've Loved God we go to Heaven forever in the glorious presence of God. I can only imagine!