Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Bigger Picture

A friend of mine recently died of Cancer at the ripe age of 18 and it made me sad that she didn't get to "Live". She would never get the chance to marry, raise a family, or goto College. But before she died she was so happy. The peace that resided in her was evident on her face and whole being. She was okay with Death because she knew where she was going. She was so certain that with her last breath she would stand face to face with her Savior, and with the peace she bore even her non believing friends believed it to be true. But she DID Live, she lived better than I have yet and her life on earth is over. She Loved, and had Faith bigger than I have known.
I hear about those people who have had difficult, and hard lives where it was hardship after hardship. And I think how sad is that! I can't imagine laying on my bed at the end and looking back and only seeing sadness and hurt, and wishing I could do so many things over, with so many regrets. But with my small sense of the word Life, Even when you have faith it's hard to comprehend Eternity. It's difficult for us to fully understand the meaning of John 3:16.
"God so Loved the world that he gave is only son, that whomever believes in him will have EVERLASTING LIFE."
How amazing is that! This isn't it!
We live here, breath by breath, and when it's all over and we've Loved God we go to Heaven forever in the glorious presence of God. I can only imagine!

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